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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Mount TBR 2017 Checkpoint 1: Mount Kilimanjaro

It's time for a Mount TBR check in!

1. Progress:

I have finished 19 out of my required 60 books for this challenge, which means that I am a little bit ahead of where I need to be to finish by the end of the year. If I were really climbing Kilimanjaro, I would be at a height of 6,124 feet right now. Impressive, if I do say so myself.

2. Biggest Surprises:

Out of the books I have read for this challenge, my biggest surprise so far was how much I enjoyed Black Beauty. I didn't expect much from this children's classic, but it's definitely wormed its way into my heart. I'm still thinking about it months later. It's made me look at horses in a completely different way, which I fully admit is crazy. I now firmly believe that all horses are noble souls trying their best to make it in a cruel world.

Another big surprise was how much I loved The Bell Jar. I related to so many of the fears and truths that Plath wrote about that I was completely engaged in the story. Esther's breakdown was beautifully written. This was my first 5 star read of the year, and has become a new favorite for me.

Things are going well for me in the challenge so far. I am hoping that I can keep up this pace to the next check in!


So, what do you think?