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Monday, March 25, 2024

Reading Roundup


The months have been slipping by at an alarming pace, but I'm still here and sometimes I'm even reading. I managed to finish two books in a very disjointed fashion over the past three months and I'm most of the way through a third. I have no time to sit and write about them with my classes and job going into overdrive, so I thought I'd write a thoughts on them here.

I read Once and Future by A.R. Capetta. This was a science fiction retelling of the King Arthur legend staring a female protagonist. It was an okay read. There was great representation and diversity among the characters and the updated setting was an interesting take on the classic tale. I wasn't blown away by it, however. I enjoyed it well enough while I was reading, but I don't think it will stick in my mind as time goes on. I would give this one 3/5 stars.

After that, I moved onto Conversion by Katherine Howe. This novel was a historical fiction story about the Salem Witch Trials, but not in the usual sense of the genre. It alternated chapters about the trials of the 1690s with chapters set in modern times about a group of girls at a private prep school that fall mysteriously ill with strange symptoms. The experiences of the two groups mirror each other in interesting ways as the stories go on. Howe examines themes ranging from the desires of young women to be heard to how easy it can be to get swept up in the excitement of a scandal. I enjoyed this one quite a bit. It was a new way to look at an old historical event and make it relevant to some of the troubles young girls struggle with today. I gave this one 4/5 stars.  

I'm afraid this is all I have time for now. I am hoping to return to blogging more normally once things settle down a bit. 

2024 Reading Challenges Tally:
Goodreads Reading Challenge: 3/30
Clear the Shelves 2024: 3

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