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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Reading Resolutions: 2017 Edition!

It's almost 2017, which means that I have been keeping up my blog for almost a whole year (which is the best job I've ever done keeping up a blog). It also means that it's time to decide on my reading goals for the new year - my very favorite thing to plan!

In 2016, I created a list of themes for each month, and stuck to reading those types of books. It was a lot of fun and definitely diversified my reading. This year, I'm going to take a more random kind of approach. The overall goal will still be to diversify my reading, but won't be as restrictive as sticking to one theme for a whole month.

I've found a couple of reading challenges around the internet that I'm going to combine and work on throughout the year. I want to test myself and see how much of these I can finish before the year is out. My overall goals are to read more books than I did in 2016, read even more classic novels, and read a lot books from my shelves/Kindle. I'm not going to plan everything I want to read out at this point, because I want to let my mood at the time direct some of my choices.

Here is a list of the challenges I have picked for the year:

Goodreads Goal: Read 76 books

Back to the Classics Challenge 2017: I completed this challenge this year, and I'm going back for more in 2017. This one is all planned out already, and the details are in my sign up post.

Classic Club Challenge: I've decided to sign up for this challenge in 2017, which encourages people to read at least 50 classic novels over the course of five years. Being the overachiever that I am, I have decided to try and read 100 classic in five years. My goal for 2017 is to cross 20 books off my list. My complete Classics Club list is located here.

Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2017: This challenge encourages readers to finish books that they already own. It is perfect for someone like me, who owns enough books to fill up a library and hasn't read most of them. For this challenge, I am signing up for the Mount Kilimanjaro level, which means I need to read 60 books I already own throughout the course of the year.

Popsugar Reading Challenge 2017: This challenge presents readers with a list of 40 reading prompts (plus a dozen extra for overachievers) to try and complete throughout the year. The categories are random and very diverse, ranging from things like, "an espionage thriller" to "a book with a cat on the cover." I'm interested to see how far I can get with these. I'm not planning out my reads ahead of time on this one, but I will be keeping a list of my progress in this post.

As usual, I'm anxious to get started on these! It feels like a long wait to 2017. I'm hoping for a year of reading that is even more successful than this one has been.

1 comment:

  1. I read 70 books this year, and will probably finish two more by the end. My goal was 72 and I decided not to throw in a couple of graphic novels just for the sake of getting my numbers up. lol. I need to remember it's the quality not that quantity that matter. Not that I don't like graphic novels, of course.

    I think you're right that planning out reading makes it more diverse. But it's also nice to go with random! Good luck with your challenges.


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