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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Reading List: Strong Women

In honor of Women's History Month, I am dedicating March to reading books by or about strong women.  It's important for me to read about girls who are brave, smart, and capable.  It gives me the motivation to keep on going and reaching for what I want.

This month, I've lined up a selection of both fiction and nonfiction novels that celebrate and encourage women:

Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte - This novel details the struggles of a 19th century governess working to support her family and expand her own horizons.  This will also be my "Classic by a Female Author" novel for my reading challenge.

Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson - This memoir details author/blogger Jenny Lawson's struggle with mental illness.  Her first novel, Let's Pretend This Never Happened was fantastic and funny, so I have high hopes for this one.

How to be a Heroine or, What I've Learned from Reading Too Much by Samantha Ellis - This memoir is organized by the inspiration that the author took from different literary heroines throughout her life - perfect for this month!

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert - This nonfiction novel about unlocking your creative potential was penned by the author of Eat, Pray, Love. I'm hoping that it inspires me to get back to my own creative pursuits!

The Freedom Writers Diary by The Freedom Writers with Erin Gruwell - Told through journal entries, this novel details the story of an inspirational English teacher and her students.

Jane Goodall by Dale Peterson - This is a biography of one of my personal heroes, the primatologist and activist Jane Goodall.

Bonus Round Books:
Fig by Elizatbeth Schantz
Black Dove White Raven by Elizabeth Wein

The Jane Goodall biography is 685 pages, so I'm nervous about finishing everything this month.  Luckily, I will have spring break to work with!

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