About Favorites Classics Club Past Years Past Challenges

Years in Reading

Image from goodreads.com

I am an unapologetic planner and a list-maker. Almost everything I do, even the books I choose to read, are usually part of a specific strategy. Below is a brief description of all my past years in reading, and links to relevant blog entries for them.

2023 Reading Challenges

In 2023 I was attending graduate school and had much less time for reading. Knowing this, I set my goal for the year at 24 books, and I was able to achieve that. I tried to focus on reading books I already owned, but I did end up reading a good amount of middle grade books I discovered at my school too.

Here is the link to the challenge I worked on:
Total Books Read: 24
Total Pages Read: 8,407

2022 Reading Challenges

In 2022, I read my most books ever in a year. I also read a lot of books from my own shelves and donated quite a few too. From January through August, I read at least 100 pages a day. However, in September, I stated graduate school and found my reading time greatly reduced. Luckily, I was able to accomplish all of my reading goals for the year based on my strong start to the year.

Here are links to all my challenges:
I set a goal of reading 100 books for the year, and I ended up finishing 101.

Total Books Read: 101
Total Pages Read: 36,012

2021 Reading Challenges

In 2021, I read a little bit less than usual, but that was because I had to read several long classic novels to finish up some reading challenges. For the seventh year in a row, I participated in the Back to the Classics Reading Challenge and I actually finished my Classics Club Challenge after five years. I also made more of an effort to read books from my shelves through my Clear the Shelves Challenge and bought less books than usual in an effort to chip away at all the unread book stacks around my house.

Here are links to all my challenges:
I set a reading goal of 50 books for the year, and ended up finishing 60.

Total Books Read: 60
Total Pages Read: 23,599

2020 Reading Challenges

In 2020, the pandemic gave me a whole bunch of extra reading time. Accordingly, it ended up being a very successful year for me. I participated in the Back to the Classics Reading Challenge for the sixth year in a row and I continued to chip away at my Classics Club list. I also completed two of my own reading challenges. The first was a return of my True Books Challenge, in which I read a nonfiction book each month. The second was my Then Versus Now Challenge, in which I reread an old favorite each month and compared it to a book I hadn't read yet from the same author. Lastly, I participated in the StoryGraph Onboarding Challenge, which was designed to help test out the features of a new reading website I joined this year.

Here are links to all my challenges:
I set a reading goal of reading at least 50 books this year, and I ended up reading 91 books. This is the most I have read in a single year ever. 

Total books read: 91
Total pages read: 33, 074

2019 Reading Challenges

In 2019, I participated in the Back to the Classics Reading Challenge again and I continued to make progress on my Classics Club Challenge. I also completed my own reading challenge called Finally in 2019, in which I read several books I had been meaning to get to for years. I also participated in a new reading challenge over the summer, The Book Junkie Trials. 

I worked on the following challenges:
I set a goal of reading 50 books for the year, and I surpassed this by reading a total of 81 books. 

Total books read: 81
Total pages read: 29,651

2018 Reading Challenges

In 2018, I set up some personal reading challenges, as well as continued on with my Classic Club Challenge. I also moved across the country this year, and the stress of that meant that I fell a bit short in some of my goals. I did have a few high points though - I took a trip to Walden Pond and I finally read Ulysses.

I worked on the following challenges:

I set of goal of reading 50 books for the year and I fell short. I read a total of 45. My reading started off strong in the beginning of the year, then dropped off towards the end of it as I moved. I wish I had done a bit better, but I was working through some difficult emotional stuff, so I can cut myself a little slack.

Total books read: 45
Total pages read: 14,941

2017: Reading Challenges

In 2017, I decided to tackle several reading challenges to bring more variety to my reading. I also started in on my Classics Club Challenge, which will take me five years to complete.

I completed the following challenges:

I set a reasonable goal of reading 76 total books for the year, which I surpassed. I read a grand total of 81 books. I read and blogged consistently throughout the year, so I was very happy with my results.

Total Books Read: 81
Total Pages Read: 26,523
My Goodreads Year in Reading

2016: Theme Months

In 2016, I assigned each month a specific theme, and read books that fell into those categories. The goal was to make sure that I read books from a wide variety of time periods and genres. It definitely worked!

I started off wanting to try and read 100 books throughout the year, but I ended up falling short. Long reads like A Prayer for Owen Meany, the Jane Goodall biography, and The Count of Monte Cristo meant that I didn't have enough time. I did read fairly consistently over the course of the year, however, so I'm happy. I also completed the Back the the Classics Challenge this year.

Total Books Read: 76
Total Pages Read: 25,714
My Goodreads Year in Reading

January: Science Fiction
February: Books with Diverse Protagonists
March: Strong Women
April: Nonfiction
May: Kindle Books
June: Adventure Books
July: Favorite Authors
August: Books from my Shelves
September: Scary Books
October: Banned Books
November: Fantasy Books
December: Award-Winning Books

Prior to 2016

Before 2016, I didn't maintain this blog. Below, are links to my Goodreads challenges for previous years.

2015: 84 Books
2014: 48 Books
2013: 54 Books
2012: 34 Books

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